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About A Christian Philosophy

Our Mission & Vision

Our goal is to help push people toward spiritual maturity

Paul writes in his letter to the Ephesians, “And He gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists, some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. [Ephesians 4:11–13]

He is explaining that the use of our gifts and roles are ultimately given to us by God for the building up of the Church. And this looks like us having a shared, strenthened vision, and a deeper understanding of the nature of God. With this knowledge we can grow as people and so better serve one another as we build up the body of Christ, the Church.


How do we reach maturity?

Maturity doesn’t happen overnight. And it isn’t always an easy process.
And it begins and ends in the study of the Scriptures. And it begins and ends in community.

The goal of this project isn’t to answer every question. It’s rather to create an environment where every question can be asked. Too often, we sit through sermons and expect to be spoon-fed the truth.

This is a community build on the idea that we each have a role to play in building up the Church. We each have gifts to share, and our questions aren’t meant to be submerged under well-planned Church services.

Please continue to invest in a local Church, and please find time to share with that community. But if you have questions that you feel aren’t being answered there, please ask them here.

Our Beliefs & Values

I want to share a few underlying biases I have when I approach the Scriptures. This section isn’t meant to be an all-encompassing statement of belief, but rather a description about some of the basics in my approach to understanding the Bible.


The Bible is a direct communication from God to a person. This means that we must approach it with a type of seriousness. This is not simply a book written by people with their opinions and latest ideas. This is the word of the Lord.


Nothing contained in Scripture is impractical or unessential. Everything that the Bible says can be used to live a better life — one more in tune with truth and with God Himself.


The Bible is not easy to understand in every single place, but as a whole, it is understandable by every single person. It does not require a master’s degree or a doctorate to understand it. With discipline, prayer, and humble discussion, all of us have access to the truths the Scriptures hold.


Because the Bible is Divine, Useful, and Simple, it’s Essential for us to spend time understanding what it says. This isn’t just an interesting book out of the many books available. This is the key to living a good life. [2 Peter 1: 2–4]

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