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Can Jesus Travel Through Time?

Can Jesus Travel Through Time?

All of us have at some point wished we could travel through time. From an accident to a misspoken word, being able to hop backwards in time could have gotten many of us out of a jamb. And going forward would let us out of a lot of boredom or waiting or at least...
Do Christians Believe in Ghosts?

Do Christians Believe in Ghosts?

In 2019, YouGov found that 45 percent of Americans believed ghosts either “definitely exist” or “probably exist.” The study went further to find that more Republicans believe in ghosts as well as other supernatural beings compared with...
Can Christians Drink Alcohol?

Can Christians Drink Alcohol?

There are some groups of Christians who don’t drink at all, and there are other groups of Christians who often drink too much. So can Christians drink alcohol? To answer the question as simply as possible: yes. But that also comes with some stipulations. The...
Is Trump a Christian?

Is Trump a Christian?

It’s often said that there’s no such thing as a bad question. This isn’t entirely true as questions are one of the greatest indicators of our inner thoughts, and there are certainly better thoughts than others. This question isn’t necessarily...
Is Christianity Polytheistic?

Is Christianity Polytheistic?

It’s often leveled against Christianity that it’s a polytheistic religion, either because of its doctrine of the Trinity or because of its worship of saints. Both are legitimate critiques and require a close inspection of the Bible’s understanding of...